Monday 22 April 2013

How else can we use this information?

All of the information provided thus far examines the different aspects of the jump shot. However all this information is practically useless unless a coach can identify and solve a problem with a player's jump throw technique. One approach to analysing technique is using the' five-step method' for bio-mechanical intervention. (Blazevich, 2012, pp.207-210).

We can apply the following steps to a beginner's jump shot in order to identify and improve their shot.

Step 1: Determine the part of the movement that requires improvement. This can simply be done using video footage of the movement as shown below:

Step 2: Conduct biomechanical analysis to determine the flaws in the technique.

Using the knowledge from this blog, we can identify areas that need improvement.Using the above video we can see the following flaws:

  • The center of mass is not lowered prior to the jump and therefore there is not enough upward drive which causes a small hop rather than a jump.
  • The small jump doesn't allow the player enough time to achieve enough acceleration in the throwing kinetic chain prior to landing. 
  • The player starts the throw too early and doesn't have time to correctly aim. Although the camera angle doesn't show, the ball actually flew upwards instead of towards the goals.

Step 3: Testing the athletes personal characteristics.

The player did not perform sufficient stretching and warm up prior to the throw, which  hindered achievement of adequate flexion in the knees, ankles and hips in order to get low prior to jumping.

Step 4: Designing a plan to improve flaws. 

 The following exercises were utilised by the player to improve the motor patterns associated with different aspects of the jump:

  • Warm up
  • Stretching
  • Box Jumps, these taught the athlete to first get their center of mass as low as possible and to drive their knees up as they jump. As it is shown that body weight resistance training improves vertical jump height (Hrysomallis, 2011.)
  • Practice steps prior to jump with throwing.
Step 5: Re-testing (After all of the above were performed for 20mins)

Retesting the athlete we can see significant improvements in the technique & although it's not at a professional level jump shot, there is significant improvement.

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